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Mountain behind trees and a steaming lake

Land Use Permit Fee Schedule

Approved by Select Board 1/25/2022 effective 4/01/2022

Construction Activity* Permit Fee
Residence/Seasonal (100 sq feet - 500 sq feet) $25
Residence/Seasonal (500+ sq feet) $100
Commercial Building $250
Permit for the removal of dead/hazardous tree $25
Permit for Camper/Trailer within Shoreland Zone $20

*No fee or permit is required for a structure under 100 square feet or for routine maintenance, if it is outside of the shoreland zone.

After the Fact Permit Fee Structure (Approved by the Select Board 1/25/2022)

Criteria utilized in determining amount of fee:

After the Fact Permit Fee Structure (Approved by the town 3/07)

Criteria utilized in determining the amount of fee:

  • Number of offenses
  • Response time to notice of violation
  • Agreement to mitigate the violation
  • Punitive effect of fee

 1 st Offense ($250.00) – The property owner must respond to the violation notice
within 14 days and agree to correct the violation, i.e. replant trees or remove

 2 nd Offense ($500.00) – This applies if there is no response within 30 days for the
same violation, or if the violator is uncooperative as to remedial action.

 3 rd Offense ($1,000 a day) – If there is no response after 30 days to the original
violation, then punitive action will be the only recourse to correct the violation.

Sub-Division Application
(Approved by the town 3/05)

There will be a fee of $300.00 to apply for a subdivision permit containing up to
and including 5 lots. If a subdivision is more than 5 lots, there will be an
additional application fee of $25.00 per lot.